April 8, 2010


I have been getting a lot of feedback from the people who know who I am, who are following this blog. My identity must remain a mystery right now because some of the things I discuss are fresh. Like a lemon straight off the tree. Who’s acidic juices have been squeezed onto my open wounds. But someday you will know who I am, if you don’t already. ANYWHO! 

These people of whom I speak can’t believe that I actually let a guy treat me that way. If you knew me, you’d think the same thing. I am a strong, intelligent woman who has no reason to settle. Again, I’m not trying to be egotistical but you don’t know me so I’m trying to “paint a pitcher” as “good-ole-honky-tonk-boy" used to say. He was a good egg. I liked him. ANYWAY!

I feel the need to defend myself. Yes, the fore-mentioned red flag situations did actually happen to me. And no I didn't break up with these guys right away in some instances. But I was wearing these glasses. They were rose-colored. And red flags were powerless against their tinted lenses. I wore them everywhere and they adjusted to the varying hues of the red flags that were thrown at me...like Ambervisions, but not as cool.

For example, the guy responsible for the Blood Red Red Flag #2 about lying was VERY good at what he did. He actually admitted it to me towards the end, stating, "You know, I'm a great bullshitter." And in the haze of my rosie shades I thought, "What a talent! I'll take him with me the next time I go to buy a car!" 

The guy responsible for Blood Red Red Flag #3 made me feel so guilty about asking him if the Target card was a re-gift, I envisioned myself as a bratty little girl, shaking a huge lollipop at him, stomping my feet yelling, "I didn't waaaaant a Target caaaaaaaaaard!" And he did take me to dinner. I wore a nice pink dress that went perfectly with my glasses!

Blood Red Red Flag #5 guy argued till he was blue in the face that he was just asking a question when he suggested that I consider altering my physique. And since he was also "liar-liar-pants-on-fire," he had me convinced. "I was just making conversation!," he said. Well, why didn't you say so in the first place, silly! "So, how about this weather we've been having? Catch that game last night? Would you ever consider getting a boob job? Why are you wearing those glasses in bed?"

The 40 year old who went to college ID night in Blood-Red Red Flag #8 looked right into my rose colored goggles and told me he wasn't driving that night. So that's why he was forced to go into those dirty meat markets. Three or four times per week. He didn't WANT to go there, but what was he to do!? Poor thing...being dragged in by his hair and hand-cuffed to the pole on the dance floor, drinks being thrown in his face, eyes taped open so he couldn't look away from the 19 year old flesh! Shame on that driver.

So you see, there were reasons I stayed with these boys after these blood drenched red flags were thrown at me. "Pitcher" the end of the the movie Carrie. Even she wouldn't have noticed all that red being poured on her if she were wearing the rose-colored glasses!

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