April 6, 2010


You know when you’re on a date, or dating a guy, and something happens that sends up a little flare in your head but you can’t tell if you’re over-reacting or if your feelings are legit? Well, that's what I like to call the hint of red red flags.

This is where it gets tricky, ladies. Are we supposed to trust our guts? Are our guts too critical? Are we being fair to poor mister "I'm late because I had to drop my mom off at Church?" These are up for debate so a penny for your thoughts. Well, I’m not going to pay you but anyway.

Hint of Red Red Flag #1
He was 20 minutes late for our first date. And his hair was wet. Maybe his schedule was hectic that day. Or maybe he wasn’t excited about the date in the first place and waited till the last minute to get his hand out of his pants, hoist himself off the couch and jump into the shower. But the flare went up when he walked in with a lame excuse, sans the apology.

Hint of Red Red Flag #2
He called me at work to say hello. Sweet. Then he called at work again, just because he forgot to tell me he had a really good time last night. Then he called me one last time to see if we were still on for Friday. Was he that "cry-baby-stalker-possessive-jealous guy?" Or was he just a sweetheart who really, really liked me? Not sure but I heard a pop, a sizzle, and saw a red light overhead.

So should a flag be a flag? Or should there be shades of red flagism? You tell me.


  1. Absolutely shades of red flagism. I totally agree with the fact that there are some red flags that are huge, flashing signs that say "I'M OUT OF MY DAMN MIND" and some that require an instant replay to decipher the uh-oh factor. Awesome work on the blog, Ref! Keep it up!

  2. long time reader, first time poster here, ;)

    there has to be shades of red flags, i believe. at least for the first or second offense, depending on the severity. some things are deal breakers, like suggesting you go "dutch" or taking you to Quality markets on a Tuesday for the free coffee and donut on your first date.

    if he had a good excuse for being late to the first date, i would let it slide. late again on the second date? he'd get the door in the face.

  3. Thanks for the posts, ladies. AF, I'm assuming you are female. Blondie, sorry for laughing, but you were taken to a grocery store on a first date? That is classic! Let's name him "ain't-baggin'-anything-but-groceries"!
