April 15, 2010


Ran into "what's-his-nuts" last night. I ventured into his territory. There he was...at the same bar, standing in the same corner, with the same drink in the same hand. I whizzed right by when I saw that he was there. I was ill-prepared. So later on in the night, after some liver calisthenics, I decided to go over and say hello. 

I said hi and smiled. Not an "it's good to see you" smile. More of a "you're not as cute as I remember" kind of smile. We small-talked. He mumbled something about being miserable with his life right now, blah,blah, blah. He told me he figured I hated him. I assured ole "what's-his-nuts" that I didn't hate him, but firmly stated that we'd never be boyz. I was cordial. I felt good about it.

When I woke up today there were two missed calls from you know who. 1:42 a.m. 2:01 a.m. I tossed around the idea of texting him to see what he wanted. I thought, "What would ____ (insert married friend's name) do?" But I threw the pitch anyway.

Me: "saw u called. is everything ok?"
What's-his-nuts: "ya...my phone called u and my sis in arizona...sorry"

FWEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!! (loud whistle noise) Ladies, there's a flag on the play.

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