May 13, 2010


So I read this article. The gist of it was that in order to be successful in dating, you need to remain positive in all situations. For example; if it rains, instead of seeing it as a huge bummer, turn it around and remember that rain will bring beautiful flowers. Great point!

I know that I have become a bit negative after all the "whats-their-nuts," "hairy-balls" and "cry-babies" I've had to suffer through. And I can see where this negativity would hinder my chances of finding a great guy. It's physics, ladies. Like attracts like. So if I focus my energy on all the bad dates I've had, I'll just attract more of that into my life. But if I focus on the good that came out of these situations, better dates will come my way. No girl wants more hairy balls in her life!

So from now on, ladies, I'm going to be more positive and look for the good in every situation!

Like when I met that guy the other night., and we started chit-chatting, and he bought me a drink, and decided to shove his pelvis into my ass...that's a good thing! I mean, I do have a great ass. He was just letting me know he agreed, that's all. 

And when that one guy (who has yet to ask me out on a real date) sends me texts like, "come over, I need a back massage," and "woman, when are you cooking me dinner"'s cute! Right? I mean, he must think I'm multi-talented so that's a compliment, at least!

Who knows, maybe all the ass grinding, back massaging and dinner cooking I'll be doing will make me into a better woman! That's a good thing, right?

Or! Maybe there are lessons to be learned here. The lesson being that the next time I strike up a convo with a stranger, I better watch my ass. And the next time a guy asks me for my number I'll picture myself in an apron, whipping up dinner with one hand, massaging his back with another, then I'll think about whether or not this guy should get my number.

So I guess I'll try to be more positive, I can do that. But I'm no Fraulein Maria, ladies. And I think that is a good thing.

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