June 17, 2010


So I have a question for you, ladies....where are you finding these guys!?

I have seen a slew of good-looking, sweet, intelligent, funny men lately and they are all attached. So I would like to know if I'm missing something because the only men I seem to find are throw-backs. Is there some secret society you all belong to? Do I need to perform some sort of freaky ritual to get inducted? I'll do whatever it takes. Eye of newt? No problem. I know this crazy old farmer lady who lives on the outskirts. She can get me any body part off of any mammal I want. If I need to complete some sort of endurance test, I can do that too. I'm small but you'd be amazed at the feats my little body can perform. I can write an essay, pass a test, say some Hail Mary's, just please, gals, let me in on this.

I cannot figure out where you are finding these gems. There are gold mines out there, and some of you know where there are. You got your nugget, now let the rest of us have a go at it. Please, I beg of you, tell me where I can find one of these rare hunks of man. My Garmin and I will be waiting.


  1. Calamari's? Worked for me... ;)

  2. I had to travel to Tampa, FL :) I think you might be on to something with your latest post!!


  4. So no one wants to reveal the secret source of man meat, eh? Well then I'll just have to put on my Indiana Jones hat and find it myself! Thanks for posting, ladies.

  5. I prayed to God what I wanted, then, I stopped looking. I just lived life. It's when you arent looking that he will come.

  6. Come on, now, anonymous...I can't NOT look! It's in my nature to look...I'm boy crazy! ;)

    But I do pray. Not for a specific type o'man, like they do in those State Farm commercials. I pray for it all to fall together the way it is supposed to.... See, now this is where that tall, dark, handsome, funny guy is supposed to tap me on the shoulder and say, "where you waiting for me?" Oh well. I'll just have to be patient and keep the faith!

    Thanks for posting, chica!
