June 4, 2010


So I want to get some feedback from you gals. Tell me what some of your labels would read. I'll pull some of my favorites and post them in my next entry. Come on, ladies, dazzle me!


  1. label for me or for an ex?

    anywhoo, "brittney spears poster on ceiling right above his bed". should have seen that flag...

    i have been labeled in my past as "succubus". but that was long ago :)

  2. Some of the labels I have used, unfortunatley, to describe the guys I've dated in the past.....
    surfer dude
    boy toy
    jail bird
    bad kisser
    pot smoker
    and last but not least.....moocher, as in one who mooches off people all the time.

  3. I dated a greasy wop once because he shared the same last name as my grandmother Lucia Lombardo...he was from back east, used Vo5, talked about the glory days working for "The Family" and how he was on "Vacation" I was nostalgic and he shared a dry sense of humor, cynical and sarcastic, just like my daddy. So I gave the ol guy a whirl...yes, he was 12 yr my senior. when he offered to open my beer with his teeth, well, I wasn't too impressed, hell I did that myself in High School...He took it one step further and took his teeth out to open my beer bottle...I Died and told Dear ol Dominic to hit the road.

  4. Jail Bird. LOVE IT! Vo5, really? That may be worse than the tooth incident! Thanks for posting, yall!
