September 16, 2010


I'm going to change it up a bit, ladies. I'd like to hear your take on this subject before I give you my humble opinion. Do you wear your "I Live by the Unwritten Rules of Girl Code" t-shirt proudly? Have you had a friend rip it off and wipe her ass with it? Or are you googling the term as we speak because you've never even heard of it before today? I want to hear your stories and feedback. Have at it!


  1. My friends and I follow girl code for sure. No one dates anyone's exes, no one sleeps with anyone's former boy toy (or boyfriend, husband, etc). You just don't do that. Your friends are your sisters, your family. Families shouldn't do things like that to one another. We have each other's backs, and that's with love, not knives.

  2. This is a code I would never break! However, each situation was different. Surely, this doesn't mean I'm not to ever talk to or date any guy I've ever met, just because he dated a friend, of a friend, of a friend. And, if a relationship has been over for a year or two (and it wasn't with one of my best or close friends) then I don't see the harm. If I don't know the girl - there shouldn't be an issue. If an issue is created and I find myself wading through unfriendly waters, I'd obviously take a step back and think if the d-bag is really worth it. 9 times out of 10...he won't be. One who dates crazy...probably has their own set of deranged values. Bottom line - girl code, yes! Don't date any of your friends men! That's just gross. That's a nasty piece of karma to have hanging over your shoulders.

  3. Here is a question for you on the whole girl code....Is it wrong to want to date a boy from high school 20 some years ago that dated your best friend in like 10th grade? That is an awful long time ago to live by the girl code I think, but let me know what you think.

  4. Anonymous, thank you for the question! I will address this in my next post...stay tuuuuuned!

  5. I sure as hell wouldn't want any of my friends men's balls in my face....fuck that i don't do leftovers!!!
