August 30, 2010


OK girls, enough of my whining. Let's have a little fun, shall we?! 

Believe it or not, I love guys. I love looking at them, listening to them, touching them, smelling them, pressing up against them, handcuffing them to my...whoa. Never mind. Anyway! Seriously, I happen to be a tad boy crazy and every one of my friends can attest to this. So let me share with you some things that make me lose my cool around a guy. Things that might make me abandon my morals. Here are some things that make me weak-kneed, hard-nippled, have to cross my legs and hold onto my seat so I don't fly across the room and rip that boy's clothes off, turned on.

#1. Curly hair. Oh God.

#2. An "I'm not trying to impress anyone" t-shirt. Preferably one that he got back in the day, that's still cool but a little worn...that ever so slightly hugs his upper back and arms.

#3. A really good fitting pair of jeans. No splitting the butter, fellas! I don't need to see what yer momma gave ya that clearly! Leave something to be desired!

#4. Manly hands. You know what they say, ladies!

#5. Dark socks, work boots and khaki shorts on a pair of tan muscular legs. I heart landscapers for this reason.

#6. Baseball caps. The t-shirt rule applies here. And if there are a few curly cues peeking out, all the better!

#7. Dirt + sweat. Sweat alone doesn't do it for me. It's the "I've been working hard all day dirty sweat" that kills me!

#8. A hearty laugh. That's a deal-sealer for me. If he has one of the qualities listed above PLUS a great laugh, I might as well run out the door, put on my birthday suit and strap myself to his bed. "Go ahead, finish your dinner, I'll wait."

#9. Broken noses. I know, I's weird! But there's something about it that gets me. I just can't explain it.

#10. The stare. When a guy knows how to give that stare, I'm mush. And you know what I'm talking about, girls. It's definitely sexy but not over the top or creepy. It's confident but not cocky. It's an "I like who you are as a person, but right now I just want to ravage your bod" sort of look. It's not the look they give you after a few too many. That's different. It's the look they give you after you tell them that your favorite band is the Beastie Boys. When I get that look I'm donezo.

I could go on and on, ladies. So why don't I let you have the floor. Tell me the things that make you have to move "laundering your lingerie” to the top of your to-do list. I'll be waiting!


  1. Guys who want you, but don't chase you. They make you want them by being entirely genuine, interested in you, and waiting for what they know is a good thing. There's something very sexy about confidence, not cockiness. It's being comfortable in your own skin without making a big deal about it. Plus 2,3,4, and 10!

  2. a great smile goes miles with me...and i like thick hair, dark thick hair with a little style and tiny bit of product. i can not relate to the whole working man thing as i like a guy who is well groomed, well dressed and shoes are HUGE..i'm a snob i know!

  3. Ok, so lately I've got this tattoo thing going on. I'm finding that I REALLY like this. Not a bunch of meaningless nonsense all the way up the arm with a thousand different colors but a design of some type! Not sure when this creeped up on me but.....
    I can relate to #5, 7 & 9. I like my man with a lil meat on his bones, no skinny ones for me!

  4. Anonymous 1, I giggled out loud when I read your "Plus 2, 3, 4 and 10" comment. Good stuff.

    Anonymous 2, I'm also a sucker for thick hair. But product gets all over your hands and can see where I'm going with this, right?

    BN, tats are hot, no question. Even better paired with a sweet personality. It's that salty/sweet thing...women love that shit!
