July 7, 2010


Why are all these younger men hitting on older women? What is going on out there? I see it all the time...women who are in their 30s and 40s getting attention from boys in their 20s. It boggles my mind. Remember that game Boggle? I betcha they don't! We were entranced by a dice-popping board game. They have iPhones.

What do they see in us? 

I knew older men when I was in my 20s. Of course they wanted to date me; I was in my prime! I could out-drink a frat boy, I wore cut off denim shorts that showed off my tanned little bod, and I made it very clear to anyone who could decipher my slurring that I had no intention of settling down anytime soon. The 40-something bar crawlers couldn't keep their eyes off me. I was just what they wanted. I was in the larval stages of becoming a bar fly. So, I can understand that scenario. But younger men wanting to date older women?


Boys who are in their 20s can have whomever they want! At that age, they're full of testosterone, and bar larvae love testosterone. And you have to admit, the bar larvae of my day was an inferior species compared to the bar larvae of 2010! Look at the young, tight, too-many-hormones-in-the-meat bodies these boys have circling around them...half-dressed, boozed up, more than willing to partake in morally devoid sexual escapades! And there we are, at the table in the back, wearing capris and Silpada jewelry, with our extended pinky drinks, talking about our married friends' children. 

What do they want with us? 

I will admit, I look good for my age, but I certainly don’t have the ass of a 22 year old. Nor the desire for stringless sex. Well, maybe not every weekend, but you know what I mean. And I know I have a lot to offer a man. A man, not a boy. So I'm perplexed when I go out for drinks with my friends and have some 22 year old asking me for my digits AFTER I tell him my age.

So, ladies, I want some feedback on this one. Why do you think this phenomenon is occurring? Have you experienced it personally? Am I insane for asking why rather than enjoying it while it lasts? In the meantime, I'm going to do some investigative work on this subject. Once again, stay tuned....


  1. Because women in there late 30's and early 40's are in their prime. Maybe the can smell the hormone scent coming from your body. Can you imagine the mind blowing sex you could possible have? I can.

  2. Anonymous, have you ever had sex with a 22 year old? Well neither have, I but I'm assuming they wouldn't have the gentle hand of our more experienced suitors. They probably think the jack-hammer technique turns us on. Which it doesn't, btw. And I can't speak for all of you, but I don't want some sloppy, half-awake stranger slurring naughty-nothings in my ear while he tries to "find where he is supposed to be," if you know what I mean. Just saying! Thanks for posting, kid!

  3. well.....women in their 30's typically have had more sex and experience than women in their 20's and know their bodies better (at least I think so). I was clueless in my 20's, prehaps that was just me, but at 22 I didn't know my ass from the hole in the ground, at 37 I know what I need to please myself! So if I am with a younger dude, i would be using him! So maybe these "older" women are merely using the younger guys!

  4. From the man's side of things..You are attractive because you are not typical...in my considered experience, young and hot usually means devoid of even a hint of personality...you on the other hand have formed an opinion that has weight and substance...unfortunately the younger "consumers" in the bar don't care...for them and their excess hormones its any port in a storm and you are the "easy port"....use them as you will....you know you won't find your ideal man there...so why do you go? Meanwhile, you, like each of us will continue to grow older...and wiser...only to eventually discover it is too late to use your now not so hot body as an enticment...
    Wendell Berry said, "If we were lucky enough as children to be surrounded by grown ups who loved us, then our sense of wholeness is not just our sense of completeness-in-ourselves, but it the sense of also belonging to others and to our place..." A sense of place and belonging to others....this is what I want more than a smokin' hot body or a sense of sexual prowess that resides in a list of tricks learned in the trenches.....

  5. Anonymice,

    I agree, I was also a clueless 22 year old. And maybe you are right, the youngins are out there looking for some tips!

    Thank you for the male perspective, we need more of that on here. And I'd like to answer your question, "so why do you go?" For tall cold ones. Duh!

  6. Thanks for your kind encouragment always glad to throw in. BTW Teri Hatcher is so still hot...full time mom...into horses...I think...of course money isn't a bad thing. Anyway...she's easy to hate she had/has decent looks and the good fortune to have found herself on the internet at a time when a bazillion horney little dudes were down loading to her twice a day (sorry...kinda gross... but accurate) My only real comment back is simple..and you already know it I'm sure...but here you go....There are better places than a "bar" to find an awe inspiring beer and a few sorta tall, but not off puttingly cool men who will carry their side of any...any...conversation and still leave you wanting more....Just so you know, make no mistake...we are hiding...in plain sight...I feel for any woman looking for a solid relationship in this part of the world though...slim pickins from my view point. As for the few of us ( that are out here, we are in no hurry. We have been burned (or know someone who has)by a little drop-dead beauty that turned out to be nothing more than a sparkly sugar coating on an extremely poisonous pill. So now....because we are actually smart...dispite what TV and magazines tell you...we carefully watch and listen and take notes about the words that you choose and which of those passions you are only able to thinly disguise. We watch you religiously for even subtle signs about your "real" selves and we diligently search your "look" and your friends and your relationship with your parents...old boyfriends and ex husband's for clues...we have even been known to watch the TV shows you love just to understand your take on the world....What is it about Grey's Anatomy you love so much...? Tell me or I may never figure it out and Lord knows I'm trying....really I am. Anyway...speaking for the "good ones" that are still out here, we're not dead...or even married...now. We are just watching and occasionally...contributing... from a really safe distance.
    The real truth is that it will be easier by far to have the look that does it for us than to have the soul that it absolutely takes.

  7. Mr. Good One,

    Thanks again for posting! Number one, if you're looking to my old boyfriend for clues, you won't find any; he's clueless. Secondly I hate Grey's. That Meredith chick annoys the heck out of me, and I know a lot of women who agree. Thirdly, I NEVER, EVER take "man advice" from a magazine. And that is where you come in! Keep reading!

  8. The unachievable MANtra is stay humble ...stay confident....I am therefore compelled to distance myself from the "I'm a good one" claim. Call me dog...it fits better...just being who I am....no pretense...no pretext...just a well chewed, soggy ball a love of the good scratch and a penchant for howling for seemingly no reason at all....and while we are on soggy balls, let's face it...while I am fairly flexible there are still places I can not touch with my tongue....Because if men could, our sole motivation in life would be the need to quickly retreat to a shady place away from the hot sun, where beer and chinese food delivers 24/7....given this perfect storm of male achievment, and we would never again need to leave the house....or at least the yard.......Now if that qualifies me as a "good one" under your definition....then when I ask you...what are you doing this weekend? and you answer "I'll be in keeping busy in the yard".... well...you see where its all goin' now....don't you? Watch out for prickers. Ooowoooo!

  9. Why are younger men hitting on older women? The answer was all of the above. They know we are more experienced and therefore better lovers; they know we are less likely to play the bullshit games of our younger cohorts; as we get older, less firm or not, we all become more confident. The sense of take it or leave it, this is me. Confidence is sexy to anyone, especially a horny 20 something male.

    When an older lady sleeps with a younger, less established guy, it is more likely to be a boy-toy relationship. Coming from someone who has slept with someone much younger than herself, I know that it should have been sloppy, but it wasnt. It should have been jackhammer, but it wasnt. If memory served me correctly, he wanted me to take the sexual lead, so I was more than willing to guide his eager self, and with my experience, we did quite well. I showed him how to be an an excellent lover, and no doubt some other women is reaping what i have sown.//

  10. So you took him under your wing, taught him to fly then released him out into the world, did you? I hate this saying, but I'm going to use it here cuz it fits, "You go giiiiiiirl!" Keep readin!

  11. Dear MANtra, I think we're soul mates. Kidding...the whole "soul mate" thing is silly to me, but a girl can dream, right?! Your comments are KILLER (in a good way) so please keep reading, and please keep posting!
