October 12, 2011


Hey there, ladies...It's been a while! I've been busy enjoying life. Filling my days with work, volunteering, wining, dining, friends, friends' kids, and the like. I've honestly never felt more comfortable in my own skin. And I've never been this content. This, ladies is when the guys come a callin', am I right?

Now instead of assholes, liars and unemployed ex-girlfriend cohabiters, I am dating intelligent, hot guys with morals and jobs. It's great fun, I don't have to tell you that.

But I'm noticing, now that I have my ducks in a row, guys want to grab onto my line of ducks and marry it. Yesterday. Are you finding this, ladies? Once we are over our heart ache and bitterness, and become content with single-hood, guys want to move from date number one to "this is my girlfriend, (insert your name here)." I'm living proof of the "once you stop looking..." phenomenon. That's wonderful news for us, right ladies? Well, no. I know a lot of you will agree with me when I say I am looking for a happy medium. Personally, after all the bad-egg drama, I am now a firm believer in "getting to know someone" before giving them my heart. I'm not much into jumping with my eyes closed. The only thing that gets you is broken body parts.

In my opinion, the getting-to-know-someone is the best part of the relationship! It's an exploration of a person's depth. I love exploring. And I think it's the only path to true love. A cake that you make from scratch, from an old family recipe, fresh out of the oven, tastes much better than one you'd buy at Giant Eagle with the horrible frosting-flowers in colors that rarely go well together, made by some kid who's home from college trying to earn some drinking money. If you don't know all the ingredients that went into making your delicious treat, then you can't fully enjoy it. "Cardamom? Really? Wow, that's impressive. Yes, now I can taste it. It's what gives my little treat such warmth and depth."

For me, it's not just the end result, it's the process. The careful measuring, the slow mixing with a wooden spoon, the right amount of cooling time before frosting. That's what makes it good.

Some guys wants to skip right over all the work, grab a fork and dig right in. What fun is that??? 

I want someone to get to know me. My ins and outs. I want a guy to want to learn all about me, to figure out what ingredient made me a little spicy and why I'm not as light and fluffy as I should be. And I want to know all of his ingredients, too. I don't just want to be frosted and eaten. Side note: Please don't think I just referenced a cheesy Matthew McConaughey movie. I hate Matthew McConaughey movies. Although I'd eat the shit out of that cake. Anyway. 

Do you ladies agree with me? Are you also Betty-Crockering your way to love? Or are you happy to eat that day-old, dollar-off, display-case cake?

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