November 11, 2010


"In times of danger, any shelter is better than none. In an emergency, we have to accept whatever solution presents itself (for the time being)."

Ok this makes sense when you're on a ship. But when you are out there dating, it is not a good idiom to follow. There are two kinds of storm-porting I would like to address. 

The first being the most common: Using someone to fulfill a sexual need. We all know that people use other people for sex, no need to rehash that subject. 

The second type is emotional. Using someone to fill an emotional emptiness. People need people. And when you are going through a life storm, or a funk, or a job change, or boredom, etc., you want someone to be there for you. When you are sailing through life solo, you have no one to go home to. No one to call after work. No one to cushion the blows. No one to help you see the lighter side of a situation. No one to share a life with, no one to make you feel wanted and/or needed. Trust me, it sucks when you laugh at something funny on tv and realize that you're talking to yourself. Loneliness alone can force people to head for a port, any port! 

I've been the port. And I've been the ship. Neither produced a husband. 

When you're feeling lonely, it is so easy to just give in and hang out with/date/have some fun with/screw that person who makes himself available to you. And when you're desperate to find love it's just as easy to hang out with/date/have some fun with/screw that person who habitually makes himself unavailable. But it's wrong. If he is not the one, you know it. Deep down you know it.

And if you're the ship, most likely you're stringing along that "nice" guy because you didn't want to show up to your work party alone again this year. He's that guy with the good job, great family, who treats you like a queen, but when people ask you, "Ooooooh so how's it going with Mr. Good On Paper," you shrug your shoulders and say, "It's good," bothered that this Noserella interrupted your daily horoscope reading. And you're probably planning on dumping him right after the work thingy. But then there's the holidays and who the fuck wants to go that alone!? So maybe after the New Year. Who knows, right? We'll just see what happens. Bad girl! This "port" has feelings. You're going to hurt him...badly. He's picking out your diamond and thinks the 311 remake of "Love Song" would be perfect for your first dance. It's not right. End it. Let him go find a girl who also thinks that song is perfect and burns him a cd of it for Sweetest Day. You can call your mom after work.

If you're the port, you're probably waiting by the phone for him to call you as we speak. While checking your email and creeping his facebook page. He probably keeps you guessing, and you make excuses for it, telling people you like the chase. We're on to you, sister! You hate that he breaks plans and leaves you to attend functions alone and has you buying a killer outfit you can't afford for the next "date" he may or may not take you on. He's the ship. And you know he's got a storm brewing in his life right now. Whatever it, money, health, know he's on choppy water. But you think if you let him dock there with you, he'll eventually want to winterize that shit and stay forever. Not a chance. The second that storm clears, he's out and you know it. So do the right thing. Send him off and wish him luck. Keep the dock open for that perfect ship.

So ladies...are you a port? Are you a ship? Have you been either in the past? Or are you the storm!? Give it to me!


  1. I've been a port more times than I'd like to think about, but unfortunately I've also been the ship. A couple years ago, I was still weathering the storm of a tough breakup a few months earlier and felt completely lost. Then I met a guy who was so sweet and thoughtful, and who made me mix CDs and told me I was beautiful, and I thought, "This is nice. I think I'll try this out for a little while." But the key words here were, "a little while." Sweet as he was, he bored me to tears. And I knew it from the beginning. But instead of letting him loose before things got too deep, I wanted that comfort. So I ended up breaking his heart. Do I regret ending it? No. But what I do regret is letting it start in the first place.

  2. It's like you knew EXACTLY what I needed to hear!!!!! I have been the port but I am currently the ship...I do NOT want to work things out with my ex, but I hate being lonely. I have allowed him back in my life to satisfy my own needs thinking I didn't care if he got hurt because he hurt me right? It's NOT right. I have finally come to my senses and this ship is ready to sail it alone! It is soooooooo easy to fall back into old habits, to what's comfortable and to what keeps us warm at night. But as you said, it NEVER produces a real life or a future partner. I find too often we don't have it in us to do the right thing. I have left a few men in my life knowing it was best for them and the right thing to do and I can live with that. What I can't live with is being the cause of someone else's broken heart, especially when I know all too well how it feels. The older I get the more I realize there is a certain satisfaction in being alone. When it's right with someone, it's right. Until then, thank goodness for the great friends in my life!!!!! GREAT post!!!

  3. Anonymous, I'm so glad I could help you steer the ship! You should give this guy a wide berth then check out my post "GET A BOY TOY." I think you'll find it enlightening. Ahoy, lady!

  4. I am currently a port...just went to a Christmas party..not the office one though...but I am not so smitten as to be crushed when she declines my reciprocal request for berthing space....I am not looking for casual sex... I am looking for that real one person to really be as a port abuser...she has already sailed away from the possibility that she is in fact the "ONE" into the line of "nope not hers". So we are now friends...with out benefits... just marking time while keeping fun company....this is ok yes?'s not always emotional abuse right? Though damn she's fine....but just too much of a hot mess......I'm not in the ship repair business... and as a real mate ...her hull is taking on water at what should be an alarming rate to any one except casual sex a friend ..fine...looks good in a dress...funny...oh shit... I may be in love...$#&@*
